Wednesday 24 September 2008

I finally made the first step in joining the Army, going to talk to a recruiter. It was exciting to get the ball rolling, but had me a bit nervous as well. Joining the Army is no small event. The nearest recruiter station was about 15 minutes away, and was easily spotted by the uniformed soldiers and sailors outside.
As I entered the Army recruiting building (the Marine and Navy had buildings adjacent) a young man welcomed me and sat me down. We went over the basics of why I want to join, what I want to do, and what I hope to get out of it. I told him I had talked to my brothers recruiter previously, whom happened to be there that day also. So I switched recruiters and talked to the one who helped my brother.
The first thing he had me do was take a short multiple choice test, very basic, to see that I should qualify for my MOS. It was made up of two sections, 30 word associations and 30 math word problems. I got 100% on the word association, but I did not finish the math section in time, completing only about 15 of them. This was due to the fact that my 30 minutes was interrupted a few times by people asking my questions, and the recruiter was aware of this so he said it was fine.
After my basic information was copied down and my test done, we moved on to talking about when I was ready to move further. I was told I could go to MEPS whenever I wanted, so I plan on doing that soon. Shipping off to BCT was the part I was unsure of. My brother would be home on leave until the middle of October, so I figured that I could go once he shipped back out.